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What is Driver CPC?

Driver CPC has been developed as a requirement of the EU Directive 2003/59, which is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of professional LGV and PCV drivers throughout their working life.

There are two parts to the legislation:

Why has it been introduced?

To improve the knowledge and skills of lorry and bus drivers – helping:

Why is it important?

Driver CPC has been introduced across Europe to improve all drivers’ knowledge and skills within the industry. It will be necessary to be legally compliant by September 2013 for PCV and September 2014 for LGV.

Is Driver CPC mandatory?

Yes - it is mandatory for all professional PCV and LGV drivers.

How does it differ from CPC?

CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) is the qualification needed to operate an ‘O’ Licence. Although the new legislation is called Driver CPC its full title is Driver Certificate of Professional Competence. This should not be confused with CPC.

Which drivers of what vehicles does it affect and from when?

New drivers acquiring a PCV vocational entitlement (D1, D1E, D, DE licence) after the 10th September 2008 and/or an LGV vocational entitlement (C1, C1E,C or CE licence) after the 10th September 2009 will have to obtain the initial Driver CPC in addition to their licence to drive professionally.

Existing drivers who already hold a vocational licence on the 10th September 2008 (PCV) or the 10th September 2009 (LGV) are exempt from the initial Driver CPC. This is known as "acquired rights". However, they still have to take periodic training consisting of 35 hours every 5 years.

What size of fleet is included?

Any size fleet are included within the Driver CPC legislation, From a’ one man band’ to a large corporation. If the company employs professional PCV or LGV drivers they must take their Driver CPC training to comply with this EU regulation and validate their driving licence.

Are there any exemptions?